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Housing: a return to renting?

development profile

Country Q

Figure 1 Growth of GDP per capita in Country Q

Country Q is a low-income country in World Bank definitions, although until 1990 it was classified in the middle-income range. The problems facing the country date back some time, but came to a head in the last decade.

Country Q was a British colony from the late nineteenth century, but black opposition to colonial rule increased in the 1930s In 1965, the then prime minister declared unilateral independence from Britain and established a white minority government, sparking international outrage and economic sanctions. The 1970s were characterised by guerrilla war against the ruling white government and in 1980, British-supervised elections brought full independence under a prime minister who has ruled ever since, becoming executive president in 1987. Economic crisis emerged in the late 1990s and still persists.

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Housing: a return to renting?

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