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Revisiting Regeneration


Writing the body: the blazon and anti-blazon in Elizabethan sonnets

non-exam assessments

Selecting texts for NEA assignments

Pete Bunten offers some general advice on selecting texts for non-exam assessment (NEA)

At the heart of the NEA component is the opportunity to undertake independent reading and research. NEA is also the component in which you have considerable freedom to select your own literary texts. Careful text selection is therefore essential if you are to produce work that shows you at your best. The key question you need to ask yourself is ‘Why have I chosen these specific texts?’

It is obviously essential that you select texts which fit the requirements of the specification. The titles of the NEA units will help to identify their priorities. For instance, the OCR unit is called ‘Literature post-1900’, the AQA (A) unit is ‘Texts across time’, and the equivalent unit in AQA (B) is entitled ‘Theory and independence’.

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Revisiting Regeneration


Writing the body: the blazon and anti-blazon in Elizabethan sonnets

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