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Assessing landscapes


How can subsurface flow cause flooding?

The Emirates Stadium

A case study of urban regeneration

A lot of inner-city regeneration in the UK has been associated with the building of sports stadiums. This article is a case study of Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium project in north London, and its impact on the local community. If you are studying topics on cities or urban change you should read this article

Fans arriving in the Emirates Stadium in 2012 for a Premier League game

Investment in sports facilities has led to regeneration of run-down areas in a number of UK cities. There is money to invest — in 2012 4% of UK GDP was earned through sport. The Olympic Park in east London and the Commonwealth Games in Manchester are two examples of events that have incorporated urban development in their plans.

This article looks at the construction of the Emirates Stadium in north London, and the impacts that stadium-led regeneration is having in this area. The stadium was finished in 2006 and the final stages of the redevelopment scheme, the Arsenal on the Move (AOTM) project, are being completed in 2013.

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Assessing landscapes


How can subsurface flow cause flooding?

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