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Land of fire and ice


Preparing for university

ICT and globalisation

What part does communications technology play in globalisation? How do globalisation’s most powerful players, including TNCs and governments, impact on technology? This article looks at the complex interrelationship between society and technology, and how A-level and IB Diploma geographers can critically explore these links

An article in GEOGRAPHY REVIEW Vol. 26, No. 4 mapped the global digi tal divide, analysing inequality between digital ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ across the world. Another article, in GEOGRAPHY REVIEW Vol. 27, No. 3, explored how powerful forces control access to information and communications technology (ICT) in some places, and how citizens use ICT in turn to challenge authority.

People’s varied uses of ICT are the main focus of this article, in particular the ways in which technology builds multiple kinds of global network, thereby contributing to different aspects of globalisation.

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Land of fire and ice


Preparing for university

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