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Taking geographical pictures


The Quaternary ice age

new horizons: prospects

Applying to university?

Are you thinking of applying to university? This Prospects column provides guidance on choosing and applying to universities, plus a useful checklist for open-day visits

In the past, many sixth formers just assumed that they would go on to university after school. Now that students have to take out loans for their university fees, and will have to repay these if they earn over a certain income, the choice can seem less clear cut.

It is common to argue that going to university is a good financial investment. People with degrees tend to earn a lot more over their lifetimes than those without. This is quite a narrow view based solely on the direct financial advantages to the individual. A broader argument in favour of university is that individuals with a university education are able to contribute more to society and also benefit more from society.

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Taking geographical pictures


The Quaternary ice age

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