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Manchester Ship Canal: a case study of floodplain development



making the grade: building on the basics

Sea-level rise

Understanding sea-level rise is important for topics on climate change and coastal management. This Building on the Basics outlines the processes that cause sea level to rise and considers why predicting the rate of rise is difficult

What will rising sea-levels do to low-lying countries like Bangladesh?

Global temperatures are affected by a wide range of long and shortterm influences. Some of these are natural, such as Milankovitch cycles, changes in solar output and volcanic activity. Others are anthropogenic — linked to human activities such as deforestation and increased use of fossil fuels. Global temperatures have fallen and risen over geological time and the world is currently in a period of rising temperatures. Figure 1 shows trends in global temperature.

The Earth is currently in a period of rising temperatures which is causing a rise in sea level. These global changes in sea level are known as eustatic change.

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Manchester Ship Canal: a case study of floodplain development



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