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Measuring poverty: a case study from Asia


Peat bogs in motion

new horizons: prospects

What to expect at university

What is university like? How is it different from school or college? What challenges and opportunities will you face if you choose to study geography at university?

In GEOGRAPHY REVIEW Vol. 28, No. 3, Professor Michael Bradford looked at the skills you need in order to do well at university and become an ‘independent learner’. This Prospects column looks at the broader experience of being a geography undergraduate.

One of the biggest differences from being a student at school or college is the scale of the institution and the department. My university has almost 40,000 students studying on over 1,000 degree programmes. The library has 4.2 million printed books (and this does not include the journals and e-books). The scale of universities provides students with all sorts of opportunities, both academically and in activities outside the degree programme.

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Measuring poverty: a case study from Asia


Peat bogs in motion

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