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What is a geographical enquiry?

Forced migrants in the UK

Migration is a key global issue and an important A-level topic. Just as some populations move to work or study, others are forced to move in order to escape persecution. This article looks at current trends in forced migration and how the UK responds to asylum seekers and refugees

A young Somalian refugee at work in Bolton

Even before migration started to dominate the news last year, it was often high on the media agenda. Europe is an attractive destination for migrants. Refugees and asylum seekers make up only a small proportion of migrants, but the reception of forced migrants has often led to considerable political debate.

In 2013, there were 16.7 million refugees worldwide. Of these, 6.3 million were estimated to have been in exile for more than 5 years. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that this amounted to its largest ‘population of concern’ since records of displacement began in 1989. Figures quoted in the media are often higher than this.

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What is a geographical enquiry?

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