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The Berlin Wall


Did William’s leadership win the Battle of Hastings?

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Modern Russia

Utility of sources

Source A Room in the house of Ipatiev, Ekaterinburg, where the Russian royal family was brutally murdered. The photograph was taken by a US army photographer, Howard P. Kingsmore, who visited the city in 1918 once it was in the hands of Czech forces

The best answers to questions about the utility of sources address the enquiry in the question and use contextual knowledge and provenance effectively to help make properly supported judgements regarding the utility and limitations of sources. To score highly on this type of question it is vital to develop and support your points rather than making simple statements asserting bias or unreliability which can only be awarded marks at the lowest level.

How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into the deaths of the Romanovs in July 1918? Explain your answer using Sources A and B and your knowledge of the historical context. (8 marks)

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The Berlin Wall


Did William’s leadership win the Battle of Hastings?