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Crisis in the middle east, 1948–2003: AS Unit F962 Option B Study Topic 10


Backing Hitler by Robert Gellately

Edexcel: Exam focus

From Kaiser to Führer, Germany 1900–45

A2 Unit 3 D1


Edexcel’s ‘Kaiser to Führer’ unit focuses on Germany from 1900 to 1945. This column concentrates on German society before the Second World War, focusing on the debate over the popularity of the regime: was Hitler really popular, or did he rule through terror and propaganda?

The column contains a sample part (b) question, an example answer and advice from an examiner on how to approach this style of question.

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Crisis in the middle east, 1948–2003: AS Unit F962 Option B Study Topic 10


Backing Hitler by Robert Gellately

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