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The Bukharin alternative?


Tsarist Russia 1855–1917: Unit HIS1H

Edexcel: Exam focus

Civil war and Francoism in Spain 1931–75

AS Unit 1 E4: Republicanism

Spanish dictator Franco.

Edexcel’s Unit 1 module on Spain from 1931 to 1975 covers the rise and fall of the Second Republic, the Spanish Civil War, and Spain under Franco’s dictatorship from 1939 until the coronation of Juan Carlos in 1975.

The Unit 1 paper will offer you two questions on Franco and your job is to answer one. You have 40 minutes to write the essay and it needs to be focused on the question, full of relevant detailed own knowledge and either explanatory or evaluative, depending on the type of question.

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The Bukharin alternative?


Tsarist Russia 1855–1917: Unit HIS1H

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