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Georg Simon Ohm 1789–1854


Trojan asteroids

exam talkback

Tackling an unfamiliar electrical question

Some examination questions can look daunting at first sight. However, careful inspection always shows that such questions, which may be set in unfamiliar contexts, are really designed to assess your basic knowledge and understanding of physics

The question analysed in this Exam talkback is on electrical concepts such as resistivity, number density of free electrons and power dissipation.

Rather than setting a question on a rectangular conducting block, the examiners have devised a question that looks at a conductor microscopically in terms of the arrangement of atoms. You could easily be overwhelmed by the question, but by carefully scrutinising it and underlining or highlighting key information and data, you can use your basic knowledge of physics to tackle the question successfully.

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Georg Simon Ohm 1789–1854


Trojan asteroids

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