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Tackling Edexcel 24-mark questions


Comparing constitutions

Does the US president make foreign policy?

To what extent does the US president decide foreign policy? Guy Birks reviews presidential powers and constraints in the foreign policy arena under Trump

Trump’s negotiations with Kim Jong Un of North Korea have been overseen by Congress

The AQA and Edexcel exam specifications focus on debates related to presidential power, constitutional checks and balances on the president, and a comparative analysis between the power of executives in the USA and UK.

The president of the USA is able to shape and define US foreign policy. Some commentators believe in an ‘imperial presidency’, whereby the president can circumvent the constitution and avoid being limited politically. However, an opposing perspective, the ‘imperiled presidency’, points towards key restrictions in the president’s ability to act due to constitutional constraints and political opposition.

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Tackling Edexcel 24-mark questions


Comparing constitutions

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