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Freud and the psychology of religion

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Animal communication

Not all religions have a good record when it comes to animal rights and welfare. While the principles of ahimsa (no harm) in Buddhism and vegetarianism in Hinduism recognise the intrinsic value of the animal soul, the monotheistic faiths have lagged behind in placing animals at the heart of their teaching. Most Christian Churches do not teach vegetarianism as a key principle, and Christians are divided on the question of whether animals go to heaven. Popular culture has developed the concept of the Rainbow Bridge —a place where animals will go after death to await their human guardian, an idea that brings enormous comfort to many people.

But beyond these ideas is a bigger question. Can animals communicate with humans? Not simply in meows, squeaks or purrs, although these have invariably evolved for communicating with humans rather than with their own species, but with true soul to soul communication, using the language that we all understand and speak?

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Freud and the psychology of religion

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