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How religious are European Muslims?


New technology and crime: cyberbullying and the ‘antisocial network’

Doing ethnography in ‘deviant’ subcultures

Ethnographic research can be extremely rewarding and exciting but trying to gain access and trust within a very small and ‘deviant’ subculture, such as the world of female bodybuilders, can be tough

Female bodybuilding—transgressing gender ‘rules’ on body shape and appearance?
Artem Furman/Fotolia

Just mention the words ‘female’ and ‘bodybuilder’ and most people in Britain tend to react with strong emotions. Questions concerning deviance, gender and health might be immediately raised.

The troublesome and, for some, disturbing body of the hyper-muscular woman is deemed so outrageously deviant by society that it can provoke harsh comment. Indeed, the following extract, taken from one of my interviewees, was by no means an uncommon reaction to the female bodybuilder:

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How religious are European Muslims?


New technology and crime: cyberbullying and the ‘antisocial network’

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