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Data collection using maps



Case study

What are food miles?

Much of the food sold in the UK is grown overseas. The impact of importing food from countries across the world is relevant to GCSE topics such as economic development and climate change.

How many of the items in your family’s shopping basket are locally grown?

When you eat your lunch do you ever think about where it comes from or how the food gets to your plate? Do you worry about the farmers who grew it or the environmental effects of growing or transporting it? Factors such as climate change and transport costs are having an increasing impact on the decisions people make about which foods to buy.

The term food miles refers to the distance food travels from where it is grown to where it is eaten. It is a way of measuring the environmental impact of the food we eat. Marks and Spencer and Tesco now label fresh food that has been flown in from abroad with a sticker showing an aircraft.

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Data collection using maps



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