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High-speed rail


How green is Glastonbury?

fieldwork focus

Data analysis

Box plots

This Fieldwork Focus looks at a few simple statistical measures which enable data to be summarised and compared on a type of graph called a box plot.

The analysis section of your coursework project is one of the most important in determining your grade. The word analysis means to examine in detail and break down a complex topic into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. In relation to geography GCSE projects, this involves systematically describing, representing and explaining your data.

A box plot (sometimes referred to as a ‘box and whiskers diagram’) is an effective way of visually representing the distribution of data within a continuous data set. A box plot shows the spread of the data set by representing the range, quartiles and median all on one graph. Box plots are helpful for comparing the distributions in one data set and also for comparing two or more data sets. This Fieldwork Focus uses temperature data from Norwich and Glasgow to illustrate the construction of box plots.

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High-speed rail


How green is Glastonbury?

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