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Communicable diseases: twenty-first century threats


Gender inequality: why does it matter?

new horizons: making connections

Climate change and gentrification

This Making Connections uses a case study of climate-change mitigation in Philadelphia to illustrate the links between the carbon cycle and changing places

Flooding in Philadelphia, 2011

At first glance, changing places and the carbon cycle appear at opposite ends of the A-level spectrum. What could possibly connect your studies of carbon sequestration with your learning about place identity? However, as Figure 1 shows, these two topics are linked by numerous ‘synoptic bridges’.

Many US cities are leaders in taking action on the climate crisis, despite President Trump’s scepticism about the issues (see Further reading). A range of mitigation and adaptation measures have been introduced in urban areas across the USA, including:

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Communicable diseases: twenty-first century threats


Gender inequality: why does it matter?

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