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Climate change and gentrification


Participant observation: qualitative research on place

Gender inequality

Why does it matter?

What is gender inequality, and how does it impact our lives? This article looks at changing attitudes to gender, and how gender inequalities may affect our experience of place

Women’s March, Seattle, 2018

Men and women are not always equal in society and these differences affect people’s day-to-day lives. The nature and level of these inequalities vary geographically due to the rights individuals are granted in any particular country. For instance, in Saudi Arabia women were banned from driving until 24 June 2018, impacting their mobility and their ability to work.

Even in countries where women have the same legal rights as men, gender inequalities still exist. For example, since 2015 the UK gender pay gap (the average difference between men’s and women’s aggregate hourly earnings) has been 14.1%. This means that from 10 November until 31 December women, on average, effectively work for free.

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Climate change and gentrification


Participant observation: qualitative research on place

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