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John the Baptist


Implications: Philosophy of religion

Edexcel special 1

Implications: New Testament

As part of our ongoing series on the Edexcel Implications paper, Gordon Reid examines a response to a New Testament question.

Edexcel A2

The Implications paper involves you being given a passage from an anthology (which you will have already seen), and answering a question on it. This question is always the same – only the passage changes. The examination allows candidates to offer a wide variety of responses – there is no one particular answer that is required. It means you have considerable scope to construct an answer, using a range of material from the scriptures you have studied and from other sources. In this article, I will show you one way in which candidates might tackle the New Testament passage taken from God: A Guide for the Perplexed by Keith Ward.

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John the Baptist


Implications: Philosophy of religion

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