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Using transects


Choropleth comparisons

improve your grade

Know your command words

Understanding the requirements of an exam question is the key to maximising your marks. This means being able to identify and understand the command words used in the question

A stretch of coast at Christchurch Bay in Dorset. Could you ‘describe’ it, ‘label’ a coastal management technique and ‘suggest reasons’ for the coastal management technique you have identified?

O ne of the best pieces of advice for GCSE students is ‘Read the question!’ Most importantly, you need to know what it is asking you to do. Therefore, get to know the command words used in exam questions — these tell you exactly what to do.

Command words include ‘describe’, ‘explain’, ‘compare’ and ‘contrast’. You will see from the examples of student answers in Box 1 that in exams not everyone pays attention to this advice.

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Using transects


Choropleth comparisons

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